
My artwork and surface pattern designs below in groups of design and different colour-ways

All can be purchased on merchandise via my online stores; links on my shop page.

© Copyright; All following designs/artwork are the intellectual property of Natalie Paskell.

Assorted Leaf silhouettes; illustrative leaf design created as a both a single design and as a surface pattern design for (also for other designs) wall art, fabric, wallpaper, clothing and merchandise such as throw pillows/cushions, throw blankets, bedding, shower curtains, bathmats, towels, mugs & drinkware, mousemats/pads, phone cases and iPad sleeves among many other products.

Assorted Leaf Silhouettes 1, 2, 3

leaf design 1    Leaf Design 2    Leaf Design 3

Assorted Leaf Silhouettes 4,5,6

Leaf Design 4    Leaf Design 5    Leaf Design 6

Assorted Leaf Silhouettes 7, 8, 9

Leaf Design 7    Leaf Design 8    Leaf Design 9

Assorted Leaf Silhouettes 10, 11, 12

Leaf Design 10    Leaf Design 11    Leaf Design 12

Assorted Leaf Silhouettes 13, 14, 15

Leaf Design 13    Leaf Design 14    Leaf Design 15

Assorted Leaf Silhouettes 16, 17, 18

Leaf Design 16    Leaf Design 17    Leaf Design 18

Scroll Damask Art I & Surface Pattern Designs

(in sample colour-ways - also available in other colour combinations.

Scroll Damask Art I

Scroll Damask Art I 1, 2, 3

Scroll Damask Art I 1    Scroll Damask Art I 2    Scroll Damask Art I 3
Scroll Damask Art I 4, 5, 6

Scroll Damask Art I 4    Scroll Damask Art I 5    Scroll Damask Art I 6

Scroll Damask Art I 7, 8, 9

Scroll Damask Art I 7    Scroll Damask Art I 8    Scroll Damask Art I 9

Scroll Damask Art I 10, 11, 12

Scroll Damask Art I 10    Scroll Damask Art I 11    Scroll Damask Art I 12

Scroll Damask - Surface Pattern Designs

Scroll Damask Pattern 1, 2, 3

Scroll Damask Ptn WB
    Scroll Damask Ptn BW    Scroll Damask Ptn White on Blue        
Scroll Damask Pattern 4, 5, 6

Scroll Damask Ptn Blue on White
    Scroll Damask Ptn Cream on Grey    Scroll Damask Ptn Grey on Cream
Scroll Damask Pattern 7, 8, 9

Scroll Damask Ptn Mauve on Pink
    Scroll Damask Ptn Pink on Mauve    scroll damask lg ptn white on lt blue

Aztec Essence II, III & IIIb Pattern

Aztec Essence II Pattern 1, 2, 3

Aztec Ess2 BWG    Aztec Ess2 BBW    Aztec Ess2 Rust Blue Cream

Aztec Essence III Pattern 1, 2, 3

Aztec Ess3 Ptn Wt on Blue    Aztec Ess3 GB    Aztec Ess3 Ptn BW 

Aztec Essence III Pattern 4, 5, 6

Aztec Ess3 Ptn Blue on White    Aztec Ess3 BG    Aztec Ess3 WB

Aztec Essence IIIb Pattern 1, 2, 3

Aztec Ess3b Taupe Red Crm    Aztec Ess3b Blu Crm Terracottas    Aztec Ess3b Blue & White

Aztec Influence Pattern

Aztec Influence Pattern 1, 2, 3

Aztec Influence BW    Aztec Influence WB    Aztec Influence WG

Aztec Influence Pattern 4, 5, 6

Aztec Influence Grey on White    Aztec Influence BCT    Aztec Influence Col Mix

Aztec Stylized Pattern

Aztec Stylized Pattern 1, 2, 3

Aztec Stylized BW    Aztec Stylized BPPW    Aztec Stylized Blue & White

Aztec Block Symbol Pattern

Aztec Block Symbol Pattern 1, 2, 3

Aztec Block Ptn BW1    Aztec Block Ptn BW2    Aztec Block Ptn Blue & White 1

Aztec Block Symbol Pattern 4, 5, 6

Aztec Block Ptn Blue & White 2    Aztec Block Ptn BG1    Aztec Block Ptn BG2

Aztec Stylized Symbol Pattern

Aztec Stylized Symbol Pattern 1, 2, 3

Aztec Styl Symbol WB
    Aztec Styl Symbol BW    Aztec Styl Symbol WG

Aztec Stylized Symbol Pattern 4, 5, 6

Aztec Styl Symbol BG
    Aztec Styl Symbol GB    Aztec Styl Symbol Col

Feuille Damask Pattern; Newest damask surface pattern design

Feuille Damask Pattern 1, 2, 3

Feuill Damask BW    Feuille Damask WB    Feuille Damask PP

Feuille Damask Pattern 4, 5, 6

Feuille Damask Blues Cream
    Feuille Damask Blue to Teal on White    Feuille Damask Blue on White

Scandinavian Style Patterns;

Scandinavian style pattern
    scandinavian circle design    scandinavian ptn notebook

Scandinavian style flower pattern    scandinavian fox woodland design          scandinavian flower phone case

Aztec Mixed Motif Pattern in alternate colour-ways;

aztec pattern black brown cream    Aztec mixed pattern colour on black    aztec blanket cream brown black

Aztec Red Teal Yellow Black    Aztec Teal Terracotta Cream    aztec cushion  

Nautical Designs;

ahoy design 1
    ahoy design 3

ahoy design 2    ahoy design 4

sailing pattern 1    sailing pattern 2    sailing pattern 3


Graphic Design


Interior Design


Product images of my designs from my stores at Zazzle, Redbubble & Society6;

Leaf Design 3 Blanket

Leaf Design 3 Phone Case

Leaf Design 3 Mousepad

Leaf Design 3 Shower Curtain

Leaf Design 3 Mug

Leaf Design 3 Pillow

Leaf Design 18 Pillow

Scroll Damask Art I Mousepad

Scroll Damask Art I BW Canvas Art
Scroll Damask Art I Pillow

Scroll Damask Art I Shower Curtain

Scroll Damask Art I Bathmat

Scroll Damask Bathmat BW1

Scroll damask Ptn BW Pillow

Scroll Damask Mug Blue & White
Scroll Damask Coaster

Aztec Ess2 BWG RedBubble Dress

Aztec Ess3 Wt on Blue Pillow

Aztec Ess GB Phn Case

Aztec Ess3 BW phn case

Aztec Ess3b BCT Blanket

Aztec Influence WB Bag

Aztec Influence WG Pillow

Aztec Influence Col Mix iPhn Case  Aztec Infl BCT Gal Phn Case

Aztec Stylized BW Plw

Aztec Stylized iPhn X  Aztec Stylized BPPW Gal

Aztec Block Ptn BW1 Plw

Aztec Block Ptn BW1 Ctn

Aztec Styl Symbol Lg Ptn WB Plw

Aztec Styl Symbol Ptn BW Plw

Aztec Styl Symbol Ptn Col Backpack

Feuille Damask WB Phn

Feuille Damask Blue on Wt Mug

Feuille Damask BW Mspd

scandinavian style pattern throw pillow

Sandinavian style flower pattern throw pillow

aztec blanket blue red black

aztec iphone case teal cream black